The pioneer room is available to the public for use provided:
There is no conflict with Library plans or previous commitments.
The proposed use is compatible with the purpose of the Library (civic, educational, or cultural).
There is no admission charge.
No expenses accrue to the Library.
The user will pay for or reimburse the library for any damages to the rooms, carpet, equipment, or furniture in any part of the library due to the library being open for after hour meetings.
Only light refreshments will be permitted.
Alcoholic beverages of any type are prohibited on library grounds and in the library.
Smoking or use of tobacco products is prohibited on library grounds and in the library.
Any group or organization using the room must furnish all supplies used.
Use must be booked at least 24 hours in advance.
Users will be responsible for setting up the room and returning it to its previous condition.
Users must remove trash generated at their meeting.
Use of the libraries computers and electronic equipment is prohibited without advanced notice.
No library staff will be on hand at after hour meetings. It is the person signing this document’s responsibility to keep participants of their meeting in the designated meeting area of the library.
Failure to comply with these rules could result in loss of privilege to use this room.