By-Laws Of The Lovett Memorial Library McLean, Texas
The Lovett Memorial Library of McLean, Texas shall be a non-profit, public service institution governed by the rules and regulations set up by the City Council of McLean, Texas; and in compliance with the LIBRARY LAWS OF TEXAS, and the Texas State Library. Lovett Memorial Library will maintain the necessary criteria for membership in the Texas Panhandle Library System.
A librarian will be appointed by the City Council upon recommendations from the Lovett Memorial Library Advisory Board. This appointee will be an employee of the City of McLean; and will function under the rules and regulations effecting city employees.
The Lovett Memorial Library Advisory Board will consist of members appointed by the City Council upon recommendation from the Library Advisory Board.
The appointed members shall serve terms of three (3) years, and may be subject to reappointment.
The Lovett Memorial Library Advisory Board will be comprised of members of the community who are patrons of the library.
Four members shall constitute a quorum at all meetings of the Library Advisory Board.
Officers of the Lovett Memorial Library Board shall be: President, Vice-President and Secretary. Election of officers shall occur at the January meeting. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of those present.
Duties of the officers:
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings; to appoint committees as necessary; to call special meetings; and to oversee conditions of the library.
The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence; and succeed the President if conditions arise which prevent the elected President fulfilling the year's term in office.
The Secretary will keep the minutes of regular meetings; carry on any necessary correspondence for the Board; and report needed information to the media.
The Lovett Memorial Library Advisory Board will hold a meeting once a month in the Library. Special meetings may be scheduled if necessary.
Following a policy for the McLean City Council, any member who misses three consecutive meetings, without valid reason shall be removed from the Board.
The Library Advisory Board is requested to make proper record in their minutes of the names of members of the Board; and note the date their appointive term began. Minuets will be updated when new members are elected. A copy of the by-laws governing the operation of the Library will be furnished to members of the Board when they begin their term in office.
The Library Board is invited to bring matters pertaining to the Library before the City Council at any time. The City Secretary must be advised prior to preparing the City Council agenda to allow the Library Advisory Board to be included on the regular City Council agenda. Any vacancy on the library board due to resignation, or any other reason, will be filled by new appointment by the McLean City Council, after consideration of Library Board recommendation(s).